Washington Irving

The ​Sketch Book

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Published in 1820, Washington Irving’s celebrated Sketch Book has proved as enduring as the enchanted Kaatskill Mountains he immortalized. From these masterpieces in miniature have emerged such universal figures of American fiction and fantasy as rip Van Winkle, Ichabod crane, ant the Headless Horseman of Sleepy hollow. Sage, storyteller, wit, Washington Irving touched on many subjects and treated each with master’s hand. Included in his volume are tales of romance, vignettes on bygone English customs, travel pictures, reflections on historic landmarks, essays on the American Indian, biographical discourses, and literary musings. Fresh in theme, bewitching in style, and superb in craftsmanship, his stories earned Washington Irving his place as father of American literature.
Thackeray called Washington Irving „the first ambassador whom the New World of Letters sent to the Old.”

  • Washington Irving
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