Robert Vermeire

Cocktails: How to Mix Them

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Hetedik kiadás. Kiadták ca. 1922-1930 között.

A keményfedél hátoldalán ázott folt található. A lapok megsárgult, a címoldalon tulajdonosi bejegyzés.


  • Példány állapota:
  • Kiadó: Herbert Jenkins'
  • Nyelv: angol
  • Oldalak száma: 112

Hundreds of thousands know how to drink a cocktail; but few can mix one. That was the inception of this book and Robert is well known as an expert. He gives full instructions as to the mixing of all the well-known cocktails, and not only cocktails, but cobblers, coolers, crustas, egg noggs, fizzes, flips, frappes, highballs, punches, rickeys, slings, smashes, sours and toddies. Above all he tells you how it is possible to give your friends first-class cocktails at home.

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