Jozsef Farkas, Karoly Jarmai

Economic Design of Metal Structures

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The book gives an insight into the latest research results in the field of structural optimization of metal structures important for civil and mechanical engineers, designers, researchers, fabricators, undergraduate and post-graduate students and also includes the fields of applied mechanics and applied mathematics.
The first chapter deals with the mathematical methods of constrained function minimization such as Genetic algorithm, Differential evolution, Particle Swarm and Leap-frog techniques. The second chapter deals with cost functions of steel structures including material and fabrication costs such as welding, surface cleaning, painting, cutting, grinding, etc.
Chapters 3-8 deal with the optimum design of the most important structural types by means of numerical model examples as follows:
Chapter 3: longitudinally stiffened box beams, hollow-flange beams, effect of post-welding treatments;
Chapter 4: stainless steel tubes in compression, a planar tubular truss loaded in fatigue, a triangular tubular truss;
Chapter 5: ship deck panels, five-layer sandwich beams;
Chapter 6: frames constructed from welded I-rods and from hollow section rods, bolted (semi-rigid) beam-to-column connections;
Chapter 7: stiffened plates loaded by hydrostatic pressure as well as by uniaxial compression and lateral pressure;
Chapter 8: welded stiffened cylindrical shells subject to axial compression as well as to external pressure.
Chapters 9-12 contain some special industrial applications of structural optimization such as welded bridge decks, an aluminium truck floor, a welded punch press for the light industry and square bunkers welded from stiffened plates.
The introductions of the chapters describe the structural characteristics as a basis for the selection of the variables and a short literature survey is given. The design constraints relate to stress, stability and deformations, the fabrication constraints limit the deformations due to the shrinkage of welds.

  • Jozsef Farkas, Karoly Jarmai
  • 1

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