Péter Antall, Csaba Gedai, István Soltész

Hungarian Royal Cities

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  • Példány állapota: újszerű
  • Kiadó: GABO
  • Kiadás éve: 2000
  • ISBN: 9639237191
  • Nyelv: magyar
  • Oldalak száma: 87

A kötet angol nyelven mutatja be a magyar királyi városokat: Esztergomot, Székesfehérvárt, Veszprémet, Visegrádot, Óbuda-Budát.

Esztergom, Székesfehérvár, Veszprém, Visegrád, Óbuda- Buda The five cities, wich provided the official residences of the Hungarian Kings and Queens, supplied the stages for many of the most important events of 1000 years of Hungarian history. We presents the history of the royal cities and the castles, we are also reviewing the stormy centuries, indeed millenium, of Hungaryan history. And since we are presenting the location where the Hungarian rulers lived their lives, this book is also a story of the everyday life of kings and queens. And naturally, we present the life and sights of the cities themselves up to the present day – this is the story not of museum objects, but of cities that each had their own atmosphere and unique style, their common feature being that they all witnessed great times and events.

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