Dr. L. R. Chawdhri

Secrets of Occult Sciences
How to read Omens, Moles, Dreams and Handwriting

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  • Példány állapota:
  • Kiadó: Sterling Publishers
  • Kiadás éve: 1990
  • ISBN: 8120710665
  • Nyelv: angol
  • Oldalak száma: 144

God has created this world and everything in it has a meaning. It is for man to discover these hidden meanings or messages and decipher them, for his own good. Ancient civilisations like those of the Hindus, Greeks, Romans, Chaldaeans, Chinese and Sumerians considered these hidden meanings to be of vital significance in the context of the destiny and personality of human beings. Dreams, omens, moles on a person’s body, twitching of certain parts of the body, handwriting – all have a hidden meaning for us to discover. What sun sign we are born under and how it affects our personality and life; the use of lucky charms and Tantric articles to mitigate evil influences and attain good health, wealth and happiness; modern yantras like Crystal Ball Gazing and the Mystic Eye, are all dealt with in this book in a simple and interesting manner for the uninitiated reader, as well as for astrologers, palmists and others.

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