Hafez Shirazi

Selected Sonnets From the Divan of Hafez

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  • Példány állapota:
  • Kiadó: Eghbal Publications
  • Kiadás éve: 1986
  • Nyelv: angol, perzsa

Shamseddin Mohammad HAFEZ Shirazi, the most famous sonnet poet of Persia, was born in 1325 at Shiraz where he lived all his life. He died in 1390 at Shiraz and was buried there. His tomb is visited by the lovers of his thoughts and poetry. During his life, Hafez lectured on Koranic and other theological subjects. He is said to have learned by heart, 14 interpretations of the Koran and his surname Hafez, was given to him for this reason. Hafez lived in troubled times, sovereigns were overthrown, Shiraz was taken by force more than once and in the world loomed the menacing shadow of Timur (Tamerlane). These events are all mentioned in his poetry. However, the poems tell more of the social life of his time with Sufism as his guide, the mystical movement that demands complete self-abandonment for union with the ultimate reality. The most beautiful of Hafez’s poetry is undoubtedly his “ghazal” (sonnet) which he brought to a perfection never achieved before. In this poetic form he presents unity and continuity of thought rather than the nature of the ghazal which is a lyrical poem of six to fifteen couplets without continuity and where each couplet may deal with different topics or ideas. Generally, the ghazal deals with wine and love but in Hafez’s poems these are connected with Sufism. . . .

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