Mark McCloskey, Jim Louwsma

The Art of Virtue-Based Transformational Leadership
Building Strong Business, Organizations and Families

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  • Példány állapota:
  • Kiadó: The Wordsmith
  • Kiadás éve: 2014
  • ISBN: 9780988735620
  • Nyelv: angol
  • Oldalak száma: 152

The Art of Virtue-Based Transformational Leadership argues that the difficult changes faced by 21st century organizations, from corporations to families, require leadership based on values mutually held by visionaries and followers. Anything less offers too low a ceiling of potential achievement. This book unpacks the 4-R model of Transformational Leadership in a manner that anyone, great or small, can comprehend. The authors illustrate each aspect of the model with fascinating stories of real life leaders from antiquity to the present. Both professionals and leaders-by-default will find this book useful for navigating today’s most difficult leadership challenges.

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