Maud B. Weiss, Michael Neumeister

The Challenge of Piety
The Satmar Hasidim in New York

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  • Példány állapota:
  • Kiadó: Gina Kehayoff
  • Kiadás éve: 1995
  • ISBN: 9783929078220
  • Oldalak száma: 144

Living proof of the sustaining power of religious culture, New York’s flourishing Hasidic communities represent a unique example of a society inextricably linked to its past. Living in the midst of the city’s hustling modern rhythmes, Hasidic families maintain a world unto themselves, governed by strict moral codes and laws.
Maud B. Weiss and Michel Neumeister, two German photojournalists, have recorded the daily life of the Satmar community, visiting the synagogue and the yeshiva, observing family and business activities, documenting the close-knit web of life in the home and on the streets of the neighborhood.

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