Austin Dickinson

The National Preacher Vlumes One and Two
June 1826 - May 1828

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  • Példány állapota:
  • Kiadó: SGCB
  • Kiadás éve: 2004
  • ISBN: 193247448x
  • Nyelv: angol
  • Oldalak száma: 186

Revival Sermons from the Second Great Awakening.

This is a marvelous volume that contains some of the best sermons preached during a period of wide-spread revival in the young country of America. Rev. Austin Dickinson was burdened to gather sermons from able evangelical ministers “prepared in some of their happiest moments of thought and feeling, which, if concentrated in a Work of this kind, might reflect light on the desolate places, as well as the churches of our land.”

“This is certainly a valuable collection of sermons preached before the end of the Second Great Awakening period and by eminent men. Some of the names are now unknown to us, others have come down through history as preachers who were instruments in great blessing. This now rare volume cannot but quicken desire for awakening in our own day and it shows very clearly the kind of truths and the nature of the preaching that was so used of God. In a day of many books this is one that has to stand out in importance.”

– Iain H.Murray

“The National Preacher provides great preaching from great preachers on a great diversity of timeless subjects. Every minister should read and study this treasure trove of sermons prayerfully.” – Joel R. Beeke

The response was truly extraordinary, and commencing in June 1826, these sermons sold into the hundreds of thousands and traveled to the ends of the earth. Less than ten years later the following testimony came from the Sandwich Islands:

“The National Preacher deserves the confidence of the world. May this high commissioned messenger of Christ be received with thankfulness and joy by tens of millions of our race. May the Divine Author of all valuable gifts in the church copiously shed down the graces of his Spirit upon the contributors to this evangelical publication, that their writings may be worthy of the enlightened age in which we live, and such as hundreds of millions may be edified to read, when the pens of the writers are exchanged for harps of gold.”

Strong support poured in from Princeton Theological Seminary, Yale College, the President and Professors at Amherst College, and Asahel Nettleton, who said , “I have read, as I have had opportunity, the Numbers of the National Preacher with great satisfaction. I regard it as a work peculiarly desirable to Clergymen, and, at the same time, as worthy of a place in every intelligent family.”

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