Martina Cole

The Take

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  • Példány állapota:
  • Kiadó: Headline
  • Kiadás éve: 2005
  • Nyelv: angol
  • Oldalak száma: 505

An uncompromising and haunting story of betrayal and violence Freddie Jackson is just out of prison. He’s done his time, made the right connections, and now he’s ready to use them. His wife Jackie dreams of having her husband home, but she’s forgotten the rows, the violence, and the girls Freddie can’t leave alone. Bitter, resentful, and increasingly unstable, Jackie watches her life crumble while her little sister Maggie’s star rises. In love with Freddie’s cousin Jimmy, Maggie is determined not to end up like her sister. Families should stick together, but behind closed doors, jealousy and betrayal fester until everyone’s life is infected. And for the Jacksons, loyalty cannot win out. Because in their world you can trust no one. In their world everyone is on the take.

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