Paulo Coelho

The ​Valkyries

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Why is it we destroy the things welove the most? This is the question Paulo Coelho, the author of The Alchemist, faces in this story of his confrontation with his past. The Valkíries is a compelling account of his journey, as Paulo and his wife embark on a forty-day quest into the searing heat of the Mojave Desert, where they encounter the Valkíries, strange warrior women who travel the desert on motorcycles.

This is not only a modern-day adventure, it is also an exploration of one man’s battle with self-doubt and fear, as well as a true story of two people striving to understand and one another through destiny. Ultimately, The Valkíries delivers a powerful message about fogiving our past and believing in our future.

  • Paulo Coelho
  • 1

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