Priscilla Robertson

Revolutions of 1848: A Social History

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A papírborító hiányzik, és tulajdonosi bejegyzés található benne.


  • Példány állapota:
  • Kiadó: Princeton University Press
  • Kiadás éve: 1952
  • Nyelv: angol
  • Oldalak száma: 464

This social history of Europe during 1848 selects the most crucial centers of revolt and shows by a vivid reconstruction of events what revolution meant to the average citizen and how fateful a part he had in it. A wealth of material from contemporary sources, much of which is unavailable in English, is woven into a superb narrative which tells the story of how Frenchmen lived through the first real working-class revolt, how the students of Vienna took over the city government, how Croats and Slovenes were roused in their first nationalistic struggle, how Mazzini set up his ideal republic Rome.

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